Today, the treatment of toenail fungus with folk remedies has been tried by most patients for one reason or another. Some are very concerned that modern medicines can affect their health (i. e. the liver), while others, on the other hand, do not receive the proper results from them. Usually, folk remedies are used in the most extreme cases, when they are already really upset with the advice and recommendations of the doctor.
Important facts about the treatment of toenail fungus with folk remedies
First of all, it is worth noting the main feature of traditional medicine - it is not dangerous only when you know clearly what you are doing. In the case of nail fungus treatment, you need to be prepared for the fact that the process can take several months, and with a particularly neglected form, for a year or more. Much attention should be paid to personal hygiene, especially during the procedure (bathing, compressing, removing the affected area on the nail plate). It is also impossible to exclude the option of relapse, which most often occurs due to lack of preventive measures or by ignoring the rules of disinfection (old shoes, bath, towels, socks, etc. ). But the most important thing in the process of treatment with folk methods is not to harm yourself, because. fungus is a very persistent infectious disease, which can only be eliminated in a way that has a "burning" effect.
Toenail fungus treatment with apple cider vinegar
Today, apple cider vinegar is considered one of the most effective ways to treat toenail fungus with folk remedies. It is used for self -treatment and for supplements in combination with antifungal drugs. The most popular recipe: 100 ml of apple cider vinegar mixed with 100 ml of vegetable oil. The resulting mixture is absorbed into a cotton swab, which is applied to the affected nail plate. To achieve maximum effect, the cotton wool is wrapped with tape and stored for several hours every day for a month. Please note that this process is usually accompanied by burning and tingling. Those who can’t afford new shoes often use apple cider vinegar to disinfect in their soles.
How to treat nail fungus with hydrogen peroxide?
The second most effective folk remedy in combating nail fungus is hydrogen peroxide, which is known for its antibacterial properties. Often, peroxide is implanted under the nail plate and tied tightly with tape to prevent evaporation.

Before starting the procedure, the foot is thoroughly steamed, and the affected nail is cut to the maximum. Baths based on a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide and warm water received a lot of positive feedback. It is used as an additional or preventive purpose.
Can toenail fungus be cured with iodine?
Be careful! Iodine can cause allergic reactions, so make sure you can tolerate this medication before starting treatment. On the elbow of the arm, drip 2 drops of iodine alcohol and leave for a day. If irritation and redness appear, iodine is contraindicated for you!
If you believe the reviews of many who have recovered from toenail fungus, then iodine to one degree or another contributes to a speedy recovery. Some use an alcoholic solution of iodine as the main remedy, others as an adjunct in combination with modern medicines. The most popular recipe: 1-2 drops of iodine solution is applied on the affected nails twice a day for three weeks. The first results can be seen after 10 days of normal procedures. Burning, slight itching and tingling may indicate impending recovery.
Garlic is a great fungicide!
Garlic is probably one of the oldest folk remedies for the treatment of toenail fungus, which has migrated to us from our grandparents. The main advantages of this method are simplicity and efficiency. A pair of garlic heads are crushed to a homogeneous mass and applied to the affected nail, wrapped with tape or fingertips. Keep the bandage on for an hour every day for two weeks. You need to be prepared for a strong burning sensation in the first few days. The main disadvantage of garlic is the smell, which does not disappear even after washing the feet thoroughly.
Celandine is stronger than fungus
Continuing the theme of old recipes from the past, let's talk about celandine - a poisonous plant known for its healing properties. As you may have guessed, we are talking about the juice of this plant, which is very good in the fight against fungal diseases. There are a large number of recipes based on celandine juice today, but the following are most often used: fresh plants are ground in a meat grinder and the resulting liquid is applied on the affected nail plate until recovery (usually the process lasts from a few weeks to a month).
Propolis against nail fungus
Do I need to repeat again about the healing properties of propolis? Not surprisingly, it is used in the treatment of fungal diseases. The use of propolis does not guarantee 100% relief from the disease, but significantly increases the chances of recovery and improves the clinical picture. Often, a 20% propolis solution is used, which is used to wipe the affected areas on the skin and nail plates. Some prefer propolis-based compresses, which are applied after careful preparation on the affected area (steaming, removing the infected part of the nail).
As you can see, there are a large number of folk remedies for the treatment of toenail fungus, and each is effective in its own way. But none of them will bring you the results you should if you ignore the rules of personal hygiene during the treatment of fungal infections!